Friday, September 10, 2010

Who Blogs About Healthcare?!

Here's a little information about the regular healthcare in London/United Kingdom. With my program, if you go to a doctor it costs about 50 pounds (quid), because you aren't from the United Kingdom and you don't pay taxes. So we were told during orientation going to a doctor should be the last resort.

I've obviously talked to my mom while sick and she immediately wanted me to go to the doctor, because no amount is too much for her babygirl. I HATE going to the doctor so I figured just sleeping and waiting it out would be the easier, cheaper, and more convenient way of going about being sick. I talked to Rebs, who is in my fraternity and did my program last year, and she said that I should go to the pharmacy before going to the doctor, but if I chose to go to the doctor, they are really nice and helpful.

This morning I woke up and was feeling better, but still had a nasty cough so I decided to take a walk down to Boots, the CVS of London. Turns out, before I even got there I passed a place called Bliss Pharmacy. I went in and the pharmacist was unbelievably nice. He gave me this medicine called Beechams (pictures above) and a sleep remedy so I could fall asleep at night. AND I FOUND RICOLA DROPS (That's for my mom!). I can't find them anywhere in the states so I got two boxes and I'm so excited.

But anyway, I actually like how the healthcare system works here. You don't go to a doctor unless you really need to. Pharmacies sell over the counter drugs that are stronger than in the states, so you don't have to waste your time having someone probe you and waste the money. ALSO, they have a phone line you can call to ask what nurses and doctors recommend for free. I called and the nurse said to keep drinking liquids and hot tea and if worse comes to worse go to the pharmacy and get a drug with "paracetemol" in it, which the pharmacist ended up giving me. A huge bottle literally only cost 5 pounds. In the US it would have easily cost 15 dollars. 

It just proves to me the healthcare in America sucks. We stuff ourselves with medication before we actually need it and we end up being worse off and having terrible immune systems. At least, that's what I'm going to tell myself while I'm living in the UK.

Fun Fact: British people LOVE big brother. They are absolutely obsessed with it, along with all game shows, like Deal or No Deal. It's very strange.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mama wants to know how you did this weekend. Hope you're feeling better. I love you, Mommay